Trash, thy name is treasure…

So, today was the kind of day where leather sticks to your skin like white on rice which makes it PERFECT junk yard weather! Yes, ok the metal things were a tad warm to the touch, but if you know anything about junk yarding, dry dirty things are much nicer to deal with then wet…

Gingerbread Houses: A test of familial bonds

So, Christmas has now come and gone, leaving behind it two tell tale signs of it’s fleeting magic. One, my overstuffed belly which is making an excellent laptop stand, and two, a fine sheen of desiccated coconut snow scattered around the kitchen. This year, mum and I undertook something new – something scary but oh…

White Elephants are the best elephants

This weekend, mum and I were in charge of the White Elephant stall at a private fundraiser for some Blue Mountains residents that lost their homes in the fire. It was an absolutely amazing day – beautiful weather, lovely supportive people, face painting, cake stalls, the whole shebang! We had a whole array of things…

The accidental king and queen of retro

My Nonna’s house has always been the same as long as I can remember. Literally the same bed spreads, the same furniture, the same magnets on the fridge. And everything, absolutely, positively everything is in immaculate condition. It’s like stepping into a time capsule and getting out in 1975 in the middle of suburbia –…

Crushing on Caravan Style

Emily Chalmers is one of those maddeningly inspirational and successful people that has lovers of vintage swooning the world over. She’s the author of a bunch of great books on vintage and retro home styling, and a well-known stylist to quintessential blighty brands like Marks & Spencers, BBC Good Homes, John Lewis and more. In…

A weekend fossick in the country…

This weekend, we jumped in the car and decided to go for a rummage in the beautiful, rolling country hills an hour or so from the Blue Mountains. It was a crystal clear day, so we took the time to stop now and again and admire the scenery (so city slicker, right? Even the cows…